Find out below what types of boosting. You can purchase any kind of boosting online:
Key boosting
One of the easiest and most affordable ways to earn money in WoW is key boosting. Keys are special items that allow you to enter dungeons of increased difficulty and get the best equipment and other rewards for them. The higher the key level is, the greater the difficulty and the greater the reward is. Still, not all players can handle the high keys, so they are willing to pay other players to guide them through the dungeon and help them get the desired items.
Key boosting can be done both individually and in a team with other boosters.

Boosting raids
Another way to earn money in WoW is boosting raids. Raids are large dungeons that are designed for a group of 10-25 players. In raids, you can get the best equipment in the game, as well as unique achievements, vehicles, pets and other collectible items. Therefore, many players are willing to pay to be taken on a raid and given the opportunity to receive the desired rewards. Boosting raids can only be done in a group with other boosters who belong to the same guild (community of players).
Boosting the arena
Another way to earn money in WoW is arena boosting. Arena is a special PvP mode in which you can fight in a team of 2, 3 or 5 players against another team. For winning the arena, you get rating points that determine your skill level and give you access to the best PvP gear and other rewards. Still, in order to achieve a high ranking in the arena, you need to have a good set of skills, know your class and classes of opponents, and also be able to work in a team. Not all players can or want to do this, so they are willing to pay other players to increase their rating in the arena and help them get the desired rewards.

Arena boosting can be done both individually and in a team with other boosters. You need to have good PvP equipment and know all the subtleties of the arena at different rating levels. You can find customers through special websites, forums, or in-game chat rooms.
As you can see, there are several ways to earn money in WoW, which can bring you a good income for your time and skills. Still, don’t forget that the main goal of the game is to have fun. Do not turn your hobby into a job that can bore or tire you. Play in that mode and with the people you like.